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Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (Letölthető)

3 499 Ft
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  • INGYENES szállítás Foxposttal*
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  • *Vásárolj 10 000 Ft felett és kérd csomagodat Foxpost csomagautomatába most INGYEN!

Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (Letölthető) letöltésének folyamata

Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (Letölthető) digitális kód hozzáférés

Disney Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (Letölthető) ismertető

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End invites players into the world of the films - and beyond. Live and die by the sword while playing as Captain Jack Sparrow, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann. Help the three unlikely allies as they unite with the villain Barbarossa from the first film. Together, they'll work with pirates and fend off a massive attack from the British Navy at the mysterious whirlpool called World's End. Players must demonstrate their cunning, swashbuckling creativity and swordsmanship as they encounter all manner of crazed pirates and cursed creatures in treacherous, exotic locations. Enjoy sword-assisted acrobatics, adaptive combat and classical dueling in unique gameplay. Unlock new moves, secret characters, inventory items, weapons and secret locations.


További tartalom betöltése.


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